Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How I met my Supplement :)

To be honest, im not a fan of supplements. I never believe in those medicine.I am afraid it will increase my body weight.Fat.Since its multivitamin.Which is im Totally Wrong!

Ive been google-ing some products through out my pregnancy.i.e confinement,breastfeeding and you know the long baby list thingy..

Thus, i found out this shaklee breastfeeding set.Confinement Set.You name it so many good set they have.
Wanting to try out. but you know me. .the reluctant to say no at trying..Show-stopper for everything.
hmm..since it was my Usrah mate, and Uni Senior so i just ask few questions about the set.

Ya, at first looking at the bottles,seems big portion and i believe i need to consume more than a month.the price is ok. She also mentioned there is actually a TRIAL set! Amazing right?
Never heard such supplement got trial set.hehe.. 

So, i bough one. Once the packaging arrive.It was nicely pack with the guideline when to consume.
Total RM100 for 40 confinement days having 4 nutritious vitamins :) (breakdown to 25MYR per vitamins )
cheap right?

My confinement day arrived!.Phew~
Since i had Csec during my first baby. thus traditional confinement is not advisable. + i was staying in MIL throughout the period, so i dont want to burden her so much.

Yey,I was lucky i bought Shaklee Confinement Trial Set.(Consist Of Vitalea (Multivitamin to regain losses of blood during labor),Zinc (expedite healing process and wound),Vitamin-c (re-structure of cells and tissue, collagen :P) and also B-Complex (anti-stress/postnatal stress and stabilize our hormonal change )

Idk , Alhamdulliah but im pretty sure and clear (ok i admit i did sleep long on the 1st & 2nd day)  but through out my confinement period i feel fresh and healthy. Neighbour and relatives who visited me some of them were surprise to see me walking,standing and i even help out during the akikah (ok i admit i dont do the spring cleaning, but i did was some plates though). Nope. and i dont have any problem with constipation.

Even after the 1st day i report back to work, some of my colleague were asking about my glowing face ( i think its due to the Vitamin-c i took)

That was the starting point..till now, inshaAllah still consuming it..Breastfeeding set :P will spill out the details soon..inshaAllah..


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